Benefits of Digital X-rays

digital x-rays, family dentist, rochester hills, oakland county

Digital x-rays provide a safer and more efficient way for us to monitor your teeth for decay and any signs of concern.

The level of care you receive when you have an appointment with us is our top priority. To that end, safety is an important part of our patient care. The amount of exposure present when having standard dental x-rays performed is a minor portion of our overall radiation exposure. And digital x-rays emit an even lower level of radiation than standard film x-rays.

Efficiency is also important in health care. Digital x-rays can be saved directly to a computer, which allows the dentist and hygienist to focus and zoom in on any areas of concern as well as easily share the x-rays if another specialist’s opinions are required. This avoids the necessity of duplicate x-rays, resulting in a time and cost-savings.

If you have any questions on digital x-rays, contact our office at 248-852-3130 and we’ll be happy to answer them!

Posted in Dentistry
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